Friday, 24 August 2007

Is that "Spring" I smell approaching?

With only days until the official start of Spring... it's time, if you haven't already, to start thinking about what delicious vegetables you'll be growing for Summer.
Whether you only have a small pad or several acres, there is always room for a few herbs, tomatoes and/or lettuces, even if they're just in pots on the deck.
A great place to start your planning is with Kings Seeds, you can order online or get them to send you a catalogue!

Friday, 17 August 2007

Country of Origin Food Labelling

Green MP Sue Kedgley is calling for mandatory country of origin labelling on all meat, seafood, fruit, vegetables and other single component, single product foods.
Do you care where your food originates? Do you read the labels looking for "Kiwi Made" or does brand and price rule what you put in your trolley?
Were you aware as a nation we are importing 1.5 million tonnes of food a year, including 149,462 tonnes of fruit, 32,207 tonnes of meat, and 39,996 tonnes of vegetables?
For more on this subject visit...

Chemical BPA in Baby Bottles

If you needed another reason on why breastfeeding is preferable...

Monday, 13 August 2007

Cuisine's Top 33

Cuisine Magazine has just published their 33 Best NZ Restaurants of the year.
How many have you dined at?
What/where would be your picks?